Monday, August 24, 2009

Ponziani: Good or Bad?

I have just watched a video on YouTube (I will give you the link a bit later) and learned a cool opening called the Ponziani. There were some positive and negative comments on this opening.

First, let's go over the 'good' things about it. One thing is that this opening has TONS of traps, and these traps were designed for people that played 'naturally'. The most common illustration of 'natural' in the Ponziani is the move Nf6, after 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. c3. After Nf6, black will soon lose central control, as you will see in the video.

Now, let's go over the 'bad' things about this opening that I have heard on YouTube, and in the channels of ICC. The most common 'bad' comment I have heard was that white is just waiting for black to make a mistake, such as Nf6. This is considered by many as 'bad' in chess.

So, now, I want to hear what you, the viewer, think of this. Just post a comment here on my blog.

Oh, and by the way, the link for the video is:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Draw against IM Jon Schroer!

I recently played in a simul on ICC, hosted by IM Jon Schroer (Schroer on ICC). In 24 moves, he offered a draw. I thought we were even in position and material, so I accepted his draw offer. Any comments about this game, especially whether or not accepting the draw was the right choice, are welcome.

Here is the game:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Very Recent Game of Mine

I found this game that I played in a recent OTB tournament near Chicago, Illinois. I found it a wonderful game, I was down material at the beginning, but didn't give up, and it turns out that I won! I think that this is the lesson to be learned here.

Anyway, please take a look at this game and please feel free to post any comments you have.